The Three P's

Scripture Reading - Proverbs 16:7 KJV

When a man's ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.

While contemplating all the violence going on in the world today we (ihlcc) received a thought about divine “protection”. The above mentioned verse came to mind. When we thought further on this verse we noticed that being at “peace” with your enemy basically means that enemy is not trying to attack you. So this thought of divine “protection” is comforting to the heart and mind because God is on duty twenty-four/seven which means He (The Lord and His Army of Angels) never sleeps or slumbers. The three P’s are “Pleasing, Peace and Protection”. Yes, the sequence is important because the first P is our part and it starts the preceding chain of events. We must look to “Please” our Lord in all that we do because He Is awesome and wonderful to us. It is not enough to just go to church once or twice a week but rather we must be His Church every day of the week. The key test of whether or not your ways are “pleasing” God is to measure your ways by His Way. Yes, Jesus is the Way, the Truth and The Light therefore we must walk according to God’s Word to “please” God. Walking according to God’s Word is a challenge only because mankind is so ignorant of God’s Ways. In reality only a few (a remnant of) people who are saved by the Blood of Jesus actually study the Holy Bible daily to know God better. The key to “pleasing” God on a consistent basis is to spend time with God on a consistent basis. Some believe that it is all up to God’s mysterious will to who knows Him better, insinuating that God picks and chooses those special people who He wants to reveal Himself to. This is Old Testament thinking void of New Testament revelation. While we (ihlcc) will agreed that certain people have a ministry that demands more supernatural encounters with God that does not preclude anyone from spending more time with God. No, my faith friend, the good and gracious Lord delights in spending time with all of His Children. The Heavenly Father loves us greatly so He would never choose not to be close to any of His Children. God’s fellowship with His precious children is one of The Lord’s favorite times of the day, it should be ours too. It is always amazing how we as parents love our own natural children and delight in spending time with them, but yet we can think that our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ would be different. Although we know it is very important to do God’s perfect Will for your life it is more important to spend adequate time with God to learn of His Ways to be “pleasing” to Him. The Lord delights in His Children so how much more should we delight in our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ on a daily basis. Yes, doing this through fellowship in God’s Word will open your heart to learning how to love people as God loves people. When you can see as God sees you most definitely will love people as God Loves You. Although you may not contain the full capacity of Agape Love (unconditional God Love) you still have the capacity to love as God Loves through your union with Jesus Christ. Remember the Love of God is shed abroad in our hearts through the Holy Ghost. When we love others with God’s Love and speak to people the way God speaks to us we will always be “pleasing” to God. We will know we are “pleasing” God because we will start seeing more people being “pleased” with our behavior in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thus, when your ways are God’s Ways the only place for you to go is higher upward with Jesus and deeper inward in Christ. This type of consistent behavior demonstrated to your fellowman and our Savior Jesus Christ will result in your enemies being at “peace” with you which is physical and mental “protection”. The enemies we know will not want to attack us because the fear of the Lord (the dread of God) will be upon them whether they are Christians or not. Yes, God can offer divine protection to all those who trust in Him but the key is not limiting God’s Power to your comfort level of human reasoning. The Lord God has a proven track record in the Old Testament of providing safety from ungodly nations around the Children of Israel. We (ihlcc) can tell you we don’t always know how God does what He does but we do know God always does do whatsoever He said He would do for us personally. Amen! God promises to His Children are always right, good and truthful because God is not a man that He can lie, our Lord and Heavenly Father are faithful. So rejoice Oh blessed of the Lord because when your ways “please” God you’ll have “peace” surrounding your property (both inwardly and outwardly) ultimately providing God’s divine “protection” in Jesus Name. Amen!